During one of the monthly Genius Hour Twitter chats, we discussed ideas on how to share Genius Hour with those outside the school. Here is a small list of some of the ways we share at my school as well as some really creative ideas posted during the chat.
Learning Lunches: Pair up older students with younger students during lunch and have a question and answer session about GH projects. We are doing this with our 7-8 th graders and 1st graders.
Blogging: Start a GH blog for staff, parents, and community members to read and keep up to date.
Newsletter: Provide a small paragraph updating everyone on student progress.
Twitter: Start a GH Twitter account.
Email list: Send out notifications via email to parents and staff.
GH Website: Best as a GH project!
Staff presentations: Schedule a time for kids to present to staff members
GH info night: Invite neighboring schools and community members to attend a "science fair" like format. We will put a donation bucket out for this to use for funding GH projects.
Create GH t-shirts advertising Genius Hour which will get people talking. We have a student created (GH project) logo for this. Any funds raised will, again, go into a GH project fund.
YouTube video: showcasing projects.
Have students present to School Board: We will be arranging this for the end of the year.
Skype: Share with others around the world.
BYOD: This came off the chat and we can't wait to try it. Bring Your Own Dinner night for parents and have kids share their "Genius".
I am sure there are may other methods of sharing GH and we look forward to discovering and trying them out together!
Keep reading and stay warm!
The Noisy Librarian
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