It is June and as we wind down the school year, a lot of reflecting on past practice occurs. Genius Hour has taken on a life of its own and is thriving at PES. My colleague, Sean Collins, and myself have learned as much as the students this year! While GH has three components; Question, Research, Share, we discovered it goes beyond this. Life skills, freedom of choice, and freedom to fail without judgement are embedded in the PES GH model. As mentors we have learned to step down from the "teacher podium" and let the students lead us. The enthusiasm and excitement in GH is contagious. We hear again and again from other kids, staff, parents, administration, community members, school board and other educators how amazed they are by our fantastic, eager, and interesting GH students.
I know this summer I will invest more time in GH and how to engage, excite, and encourage the kids. Next year will be another learning adventure for us, and I cannot wait.
So here are the student voices, which are the ones that truly matter, letting the world know what THEY think of Genius Hour. This video was a GH project by Hannah, Kate, and all the art work is by Anna. Enjoy!
Keep reading,
The Noisy Librarian
PES Genius Hour by
Hannah and Kate is licensed under a
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